E essas músicas cheias de simbolismos e metáforas que demandam tanto de mim... e me cansam! Que saco querer entender e não conseguir. Sigo interpretando feito idiota sem chegar a algo razoável. Então, decidi procurar por segundas opiniões em alguns forums. Estou falando de Transatlanticism do Death Cab (que ontem estiveram em The OC!) Já estive obcecada pela música antes e agora ela parece voltar com força total... bom, de acordo com impressões de vários amantes dessa música tão fofa e profunda, para uns ela fala de um oceano literal que separa duas pessoas, para outras, não. E mais:
"...this song is totally about two people who are in love. One lives in North America, and the other somewhere in Europe. They had to move apart for whatever reason, and he's describing what it felt like and what he needs now..."
"... I think it's about one person still in love from perhaps a previous relationship. It could be about having to be forced to move on in a relationship. 'making islands where no island should go...' is like, when you're in a great relationship with someone and everything starts messing up, like constant raining of stupid arguments that shouldn't have been made, that kind of stuff. And when you listen to the song there's a constant rhythm that keeps getting louder and louder... I guess like footsteps. And as the music gets louder, it's like the speaker is getting farther from this person. The distance keeps growing between them. Then, what I take to be the point of the song 'I need you so much closer' is so powerful because you've already experienced this somewhat long wait, just like them..."
Minha tendência em ser insuportavelmente obcecada por certas coisas faz com que eu fique agindo assim, feito uma super freak, bem retardada. Passando quase uma manhã inteira ouvindo quinhentas vezes a mesma música atrás de mensagens subliminares. As vezes eu tenho preguiça de mim...
"...this song is totally about two people who are in love. One lives in North America, and the other somewhere in Europe. They had to move apart for whatever reason, and he's describing what it felt like and what he needs now..."
"... I think it's about one person still in love from perhaps a previous relationship. It could be about having to be forced to move on in a relationship. 'making islands where no island should go...' is like, when you're in a great relationship with someone and everything starts messing up, like constant raining of stupid arguments that shouldn't have been made, that kind of stuff. And when you listen to the song there's a constant rhythm that keeps getting louder and louder... I guess like footsteps. And as the music gets louder, it's like the speaker is getting farther from this person. The distance keeps growing between them. Then, what I take to be the point of the song 'I need you so much closer' is so powerful because you've already experienced this somewhat long wait, just like them..."
Minha tendência em ser insuportavelmente obcecada por certas coisas faz com que eu fique agindo assim, feito uma super freak, bem retardada. Passando quase uma manhã inteira ouvindo quinhentas vezes a mesma música atrás de mensagens subliminares. As vezes eu tenho preguiça de mim...